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Escaping Depression

Depression is real whether you chose to believe it or not, a large majority of people are oblivious to this fact because they have never experienced depression well clinical depression anyways.

Clinical Depression

Clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You have to be diagnosed by a doctor to be clinical depressed. Depression won't go away just because you want it to, it will almost become a part of you while stripping away all the joy you have in life.

If you are currently suffering with depression you maybe experiencing rapid weight loss or weight gain, constant depressed mood and fatigue, oversleeping or under sleeping, feeling worthless and some people may have recurring thoughts of death and suicide.

Note that some people may feel depressed because they got bad results, got rejected by their crush, parents gave out to them but thats not depression that is feeling temporarily sad about a certain situation and you cannot help it but it isn't depression, you can wake up the next day and forget about it but with depression you can't suddenly wake up and get over it.

I use to be oblivious about depression before I had my fair share of it, mainly because I was so intoxicated in my own ego I believed I was above everybody but I was very very wrong. People say talking about it makes it better but for some depression has become there new reality because they have been in that state of mind for so long they often forget what it's like to live without it. Depression can be caused due to biological, environmental and psychological factors.

Environmental factors

Include chemical pollutants, natural disasters, childhood trauma, long term stress or even a loss of a close friend or family and work. These are factors that you do not have direct control over that could trigger your depression.

Biological factors

Include genetics, often a person maybe at risk of becoming depressed because it runs in their family which makes them vulnerable to it. Some hormonal changes can occur that cause depression because the brain goes through some changes before and during a depressive episode which can affect certain part of the brain and its functionality. This my result in an over or under production of hormones.

Psychological factors

Can be linked with thinking patterns of a person, overthinking negative thoughts, being very strict and non flexible when it comes to the way you live life. Some people may place their happiness on getting high paying jobs, achieving high on exams, feeling unwanted by a certain person or having a perceived idea of how life should be at a certain age and if they fail at any one of these this may increase there chance of depression or set them into one.

When you are ready to escape depression you will have to open to somebody who you trust that will listen to what you are going through without judging you or making it about themselves.

Meet up with family members or friends who make you feel whole and alive. Try to stay social its very important even if you don't feel like it because people will tend to forget you after some time of being antisocial as harsh as sounds but they have to live their life also, try to stay connected to the friends that offer value to your life

Do what you love if thats meditation, running, skipping, dancing or even going to the gym, you need to look after your mental wellbeing cutting out the activities that offer value to your personal development will only hinder your progress.

Good sleep is crucial for you, when you don't sleep right your day automatically starts off on the wrong foot because you're tired, moody and unmotivated so getting at least 8 hours sleep in a day may exterminate some symptoms.

Seeing a specialist who you can express yourself to without feeling judge may be an avenue to explore, remember this is your life you only get one there is no do overs. Suicide is not the answer to your problems, there's always a solution. You can avail of free helpline services that is provided by the government which is totally anonymous with 24/7 support for free.

You can either text 50808 or call 0861800280.

I am not an expert on this topic I would still seek help from a medical professional to get further help.

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