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How To Find Your Confidence

Self confidence is wildly spoke about, you've heard it throughout your life. Confidence is one of the most attractive quality a person could have, confident people more than often are the high achievers of life, they know what they want and they don't settle less but with that being said its easier said to become a confident person than done.

People suffer with plenty of insecurities that have not been addressed, very few people are actually blessed with ability to feel good about themselves almost all the time but even for them it's not always a linear path they go through spells of self doubt.

If you are not confident but hope to gain more confidence or you're already confident and have spells of self doubt then this blog is for you. I am perceived as a confident person but it wasn't always like this, growing up as a kid especially being around boys older than me I often got verbally abused which decreased my confidence, I was verbally abused about the size of my lips because at the time having big lips wasn't as socially accepted as it is today, I was constantly abused by friends and siblings about being overweight. Over time it took a toll on my self confidence I felt like I couldn't be myself or speak up against certain people but that has stopped I am now confident in my body I can speak up for myself, I no longer feel self conscious about my lips I actually admire them but it has not been an easy journey it has took years of hard work on my part to get to where I am today, I know what I want and what I don't want I don't settle for second best or bullshit.

I want you to become who you have always wanted to be, no more hiding behind a cloak of invisibility now is the time to flourish. The spectacular thing about confidence is that it doesn't not discriminate its a quality anybody can possess regardless of background.


Improving your posture is very beneficial for your health as it reduces back, makes you taller while reducing muscle pension and fatigue but most importantly it's a great confidence booster. You may not notice it but majority of us are naturally slumped because we are always looking down on our phones and computer screens and over time we tend to stay that we because our spine adapts to this way of living. Slumping can make you feel sad so try sitting and standing up straight, also hold your head high this may make you feel a lot more confident and powerful.


If you do not feel confident in some cases its because you actually don't let yourself experience it. Have you ever heard that saying "only us can destroy us." well that quote is very true majority of the time you are the enemy because you keep criticising yourself and think negatively about yourself. If you constantly beat yourself up you will never get to that stage where you feel confident as your tearing down your self esteem. Be nice to yourself while embracing your flaws at the end of the day you owe it to yourself.


The clothes that you wear on a daily basis have an impact on your confident levels, if you wear dirty shoes, thrown together an outfit while rushing out the door or leaving the house without showering you may not feel confident when approached by others because you may feel self conscious about your appearance. Personally I feel great when I wear perfume and a fresh tracksuit I don't know why I just get that feeling of being fearless and wanting to engage more in conversation. If you like to shop to get new clothes and it makes you feel good about yourself by any means do it, don't listen to those who don't understand you.


You can control how you treat and talk to yourself but you can't control how others treat you. People may say thing that criticise and hurt you, you can't forecast that but you can control how you deal with. You can't let them bring you down all the time what you can do is learn to accept criticism and move past it. If some criticises you just say "okay" and go no need to dwell on it.


Being confident is hard accomplish but its even harder when you don't have the right people around you, its important to have good honest people around you that have your best interest at heart. If you have to alter your personality around certain friend groups they are not good for your soul walk away, if you tell your dreams and goals to somebody and they laugh walk away that will tear into your confidence which will then lead you doubting yourself. It's hard to be confident if you are consistently doubting yourself.

A lot of people have alter ego's, this the person they want to be but they can't channel that alterative side without being on a stage or being drunk it depends on the person but my point is when the alter ego comes out they turn into a completely different person more than often its their confident side. Beyonce has an alter ego called Sasha Fierce that only comes out when she's on stage performing she calls It her aggressive alter ego. Miley Cyrus alter ego is Hannah Montana, Channel your alter ego and make it stay there.

Weight does not determine how confident you are, but I would recommend exercising frequently regardless of weight or body type because this will help your confident levels. After completing a workout your body releases a hormone called endorphins, when you release endorphins they trigger a positive feeling in the body.

Confidence is the outcome of the thoughts we think and the action we take. It's important to remember that confidence is a lifelong journey. It won't always be easy, even if you work really hard at it and that's okay just don't give up on yourself.

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