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Tips on losing weight if you suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition that causes women to suffer hormonal imbalances, irregular periods which can also lead to the development of small cysts on one or both ovaries, excruciating periods cramps, anxiety, unhealthy eating disorders, strong hair growth and sometimes acne.

After spending plenty of hours researching the condition I have discovered that plenty of women suffer from it, many women do not know they have it because there's no spotlight on it and doctors do not spend enough time researching the condition so they fail to give the right information to women who suffer from the condition.

Females with this condition often struggle with weight loss as the body often holds on to stubborn fat. In this blog I will share some tips that I have come across while doing my research that will help you shed body fat while dealing with pcos.

Eat Healthy Fats

I understand that there is a stigma that you should stay away from foods with fat but you shouldn't, there is foods that contain healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, coconut oil and nuts that you can enjoy while loosing weight. You need to watch your intake of them because there is more calories per gram (9) of fat than there is per gram (4) of protein and carbs.

Eat Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are foods and beverages that have undergone controlled microbial growth and fermentation. Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which microorganisms like yeast and bacteria break down food components (e.g. sugars such as glucose) into other products (e.g. organic acids, gases or alcohol).

Probiotics are ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria for the gut, they can be found in foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut and many more.

Intoduce Low Carb Diets

Reducing carb intake is essential if you suffer with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, when carbs are broken-down inside the body it turns into glucose. Glucose is another word for sugar and when glucose hits the bloodstream it spikes our insulin levels. If you have insulin resistance, your body may try to pump out high levels of insulin in an effort to keep your blood sugar levels normal. Too-high levels of insulin can cause your ovaries to produce more androgens, like testosterone. A diet high in refined carbohydrates, like starchy and sugary foods, can make insulin resistance, and therefore weight loss, more difficult to manage.

High fiber foods such as berries, broccoli, beans, whole grains, apples, popcorn, avocoado can help combat insulin resistance by regulating digestion and reducing the effect of sugar on the blood.

Limit Processed Foods

Eating foods high in saturated fats, salts and artificial sweeteners that contribute to the growth of bad cholesterol and affects the blood pressure of the body. They should be limited or avoided because they can trigger diabetes, people who suffer from diabetes often struggle with weight loss.

Do Not Under-eat

Women who suffer from PCOS often struggle with weight loss so they decide to under-eat, they get desperate for results, 9 times out of 10 it leads them into a dark path where they develop a bad relationship with food. They start introducing carb free diets and eating little to no calories/meals per day. If this is you just know you may see results in the first few weeks but that it, long term it isn't sustainable and you may end up putting on more weight than you originally had. Incorporating a balanced diet is a sustainable way of ensuring that you stay on track.

Stress management

Stress is big contributor to those who suffer from pcos, when we get stressed the body releases cortisol, the primary stress hormone, this increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose. There is a positive correlation between getting bad sleep and getting stressed, when we get bad sleep we tend to punish our bodies for it by consume more sugar and carbs because we feel "shit". This will spike your blood sugar levels and over a short period of time you will gain weight from it. if you find yourself being constantly stressed you should take up activities such as hiking, meditation, running, reading books or whatever makes you feel good so you get a dopamine release.

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating helps promote awareness of internal eating cues and may promote weight loss. When you eat food take time after to reflect how you feel after eating. Clues to look out for is energy levels, bloating, digestion, mood and breakout in spots because these indicator let you understand your own body and how it breaks down food internally. If you feel like that after any food your body may not agree with it, so explore different foods because there's not a one fit all manuscript to cure PCOS.

I am not an expert on this topic I would still seek help from a medical professional to get further help.

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1 комментарий

09 янв. 2022 г.

Great post on managing PCOS I’ve been to different doctors and gynaecologists and they don’t tell you any of this


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